Lecturer in Energy Ethics
School of Philosophical, Anthropological and Film Studies
School of Geography and Sustainable Development
Head of School
School of Philosophical, Anthropological and Film Studies
Director of the Global Office
Global Office
Assistant Vice Principal (Dean of Learning and Teaching)
Principal's Office and School of History
Senior Communications Manager, Sustainability
Corporate Communications
Humanities, Art and Social Science
Colorado School of Mines
Professor of Energy
School of Chemistry
Business School
Computer Officer
School of Philosophical, Anthropological and Film Studies
Centre Manager
School of Philosophical, Anthropological and Film Studies
CEE Artist-in-Residence. Photographer
Event Coordinator
Social Anthropology
Digital Communications Officer
Alliance Manager
Scottish Research Alliance for Energy, Homes and Livelihoods
Communications Officer
Scottish Research Alliance
Senior Lecturer
School of Chemistry
School of Biology
Department of Social Anthropology
School of Physics and Astronomy
School of Geography and Sustainable Development
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences
University of St Andrews and University of Oxford
Masters Student
School of Interdisciplinary Studies
Senior Lecturer
School of History
School of Geography and Sustainable Development
PhD Candidate
School of Art History
Senior Lecturer
School of Geography & Sustainable Development
PhD Candidate
School of Psychology & Neuroscience
Professor of Ukrainian and East European Studies
School of Modern Languages
Senior Lecturer
Department of Philosophy
Senior Research Fellow
Department of Social Anthropology
Professor of Geology
School of Earth & Environmental Sciences
PhD Candidate
Department of Social Anthropology
School of International Relations
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences
PhD Candidate
School of Modern Languages
Masters Student
School of Interdisciplinary Studies
Principal Research Fellow, Deputy Director of CREEM
Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling (CREEM)
Principal Research Fellow
Sea Mammal Research Unit
Senior Policy Fellow
Centre for Energy Ethics
Department of Social Anthropology
PhD Candidate
International Environment and Development Studies
Norwegian University of Life Sciences
School of Geography and Sustainable Development
School of Computer Science
UKRI-Future Leaders Fellow
School of Physics and Astronomy
Department of Social Anthropology
PhD Candidate
School of Chemistry
Film Studies
School of Management
Senior Research Fellow
Department of Social Anthropology
Senior Lecturer
School of Art History
Senior Lecturer
Department of Philosophy
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Senior Lecturer
School of Geography and Sustainable Development
Senior Research Fellow
Sea Mammal Research Unit, School of Biology
Senior Lecturer
School of Management
PhD Candidate
Department of Social Anthropology
Business School
Department of Management
University of St Andrews; University of Groningen
PhD Candidate
School of Chemistry
School of Geography and Sustainable Development
Senior Lecturer
School of Economics
Honorary Professor
Research Fellow
School of Management
School of Physics & Astronomy
Emeritus Professor
Department of Economics
Department of Philosophy; Director of CEPPA
PhD Candidate
Department of Social Anthropology
School of Physics and Astronomy
Senior Lecturer
School of Geography and Sustainable Development
EPSRC UKRI Innovation Fellow
School of Chemistry
Professor of Optoelectronic Materials
EaStCHEM School of Chemistry
PhD Researcher
School of Development and Society
Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Fachbereich Soziale Arbeit Medien Kultur
Hochschule Merseburg
Assistant Professor
Department of Environment and Geography
University of York
Associate Professor
Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining
University of Queensland
Senior Research Associate
Research Institute for Sustainability
Helmholz Centre Potsdam
Associate Professor
International Business
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
University of Aarhus; Kvantify
Artist & Poet
Senior Lecturer
Ludwig-Uhland-Institute of Historical and Cultural Anthropology
University of Tübingen
CEE Artist-in-Residence. Photographer
Senior Fellow (non-resident)
Nigerian Economic Summit Group
PhD Research Fellow
Faculty of Technology, Art & Design; Department of Art, Design & Drama
Oslo Metropolitan University
Assistant Professor
Department of Social Anthropology
Durham University
Department of Social Anthropology
University of Manchester
Research Associate
Anthropology, Theatre and Dance
University of California, Davis
Senior Lecturer
Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design
University of Dundee
Senior Research Associate
Anthropology and the School of Public Policy
McGill University and University of Calgary
Lecturer in Global Inequalities
School of Social & Political Sciences
University of Glasgow
Professor of Cultural and Social Anthropology
Laboratory of Cultural and Social Anthropology (LACS)
University of Lausanne
Philosophy/History Faculty
University of Bern
Energy Analyst
Associate Professor
Business administration
Western Norway University of Applied Sciences
PhD Candidate
Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design, School of Fine Art
University of Dundee
Associate Professor
Center for Science, Technology, and Society
Drexel University
Associate Professor of Teaching
Department of Anthropology
University of Memphis
Early Career Researcher
Department of Social Anthropology
University of Manchester
Assistant Professor
Department of Sociology
National University of Singapore
Centre of Excellence in Energy Sciences and e-Mobility
Atria University
Professor and Senior Sustainability Scientist
School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning; Global Futures Laboratory
Arizona State University
Associate Professor
Department of Anthropology
Emory University
PhD Candidate
Social Anthropology
University of Fribourg
Research Assistant
Department of Social Anthropology
Refugee Studies Centre, Oxford Department for International Development
University of Oxford
Research Fellow
Social Anthropology
University of Manchester
Senior Lecturer in Critical Area Studies
Central and Eastern European Studies
University of Glasgow
PhD Candidate
Institute of Social Sciences, Laboratory for Social and Cultural Anthropology (LACS)
Université de Lausanne
Early Career Researcher
Department of Social Anthropology
Postdoctoral Associate
Department of Visual Arts
Western University
Poet, playwright, interdisciplinary artist
Department of Social Anthropology & School of Geography and Sustainable Development
Engineering, Design and Society
Colorado School of Mines
Associate Professor
Department of Business Humanities and Law
Copenhagen Business School
Associate Professor
History of Science and Technology (King's) & College of Sustainability (Dalhousie)
University of King's College & Dalhousie University (Canada)
Museum für Naturkunde Berlin
PhD fellow
Cultural studies and Languages
University of Stavanger
Research Fellow
Deparment of Cultural Heritage
University of Bologna
Department of Communications, Media and Culture
University of Stirling
PhD Candidate
University of Cambridge
Lecturer in Circular Economy and Sustainable Transformations
School of Geoscience
University of Edinburgh
Department of Anthropology
York University, Canada
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Democracy Initiative (The Repair Lab)
University of Virginia