Emeritus Professor, Department of Economics


Over a period of nearly 40 years David Ulph has successively held Chairs in Economics at the University of Bristol, University College London and, since 2006, St Andrews. He has considerable policy experience having spent 5 years as Chief Economist at HM Revenue & Customs, was previously a Member of the NHS Pay Review Body, the Competition Appeal Tribunal and is a Commissioner of the Scottish Fiscal Commission. He has published research in a wide range of areas including the Economics of Climate Change, where, most recently, his focus has been on the implications for policy of ethical behaviour by individuals and governments.  He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh and, in 2016, was awarded a CBE for his contribution to Economics and Social Science.  

Selected publications

(with A. Ulph)  “The Optimal Time Path of a Carbon Tax”, Oxford Economic Papers, 46, 1994  857-868(with A. Ulph)

(with A. Ulph) “Global Warming, Irreversibility and Learning”, Economic Journal, 1997, 107, 636-650

(with M. Grubb), “Energy, the Environment, and Innovation”, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 2002, 18, 92-106

(with M. Daube) “Moral Behaviour, Altruism and Environmental Policy”, Environmental and Resource Economics, 2014, Online: DOI 10.1007/s10640-014-9836-2

(with P. Dasgupta, D. Southerton and A. Ulph), “Consumer Behaviour with Environmental and Social Externalities: Implications for Analysis and Policy” Environmental and Resource Economics, 2015, Online DOI 10.1007/s10640-015-9911-3