Senior Lecturer in Russian, School of Modern Languages


Victoria Donovan is a Senior Lecturer in Russian at the University of St Andrews and an AHRC Leadership Fellow. Her current research explores the visual heritage of industrialization with a focus on Ukraine’s Eastern Donbas region. Placing the Donbas case in a comparative research frame, her work underlines the common experiences and challenges faced by post-industrial regions across Europe and demonstrates industrial heritage’s potential for generating new thinking about post-industrial regions and fostering new forms of creativity. She has collaborated on a number of projects in this area, including the Carnegie Trust-funded Enthusiasm, the GCRF-funded De-Industrialization and Conflict in Donbas, and the House of Europe and GCRF-funded (Un)archiving (Post-)industry. She is also an AHRC/BBC New Generation Thinker and a British Academy Rising Star Engagement Award holder.

Selected publications

“Pereglyadayuchi Muratovu v chas sotsial’noi izolyatsii” Korydor: Zhurnal po suchasnu kulturu, April 2020

(co-authored with Darya Tsymbalyuk) “Vid ruin porn do ‘zabroshka-erotiki’,” YourArt, February 2021:

(produced with Darya Tsymbalyuk and Clemens Poole) “Slavic Studies Goes Public: Doing Things With Difficult Heritage/People/Words.” March 2021:

Chronicles in Stone: Preservation, Patriotism and Identity in Northwest Russia (Cornell University Press, 2019)