Professor of Ukrainian and East European Studies, School of Modern Languages


Victoria Donovan is the Professor of Ukrainian and East European Studies and Director of Impact in the School of Modern Languages. Her current research explores the visual heritage of industrialization with a focus on Ukraine’s Eastern Donbas region. Placing the Donbas case in a comparative research frame, her work underlines the common experiences and challenges faced by post-industrial regions across Europe and demonstrates industrial heritage’s potential for generating new thinking about post-industrial regions and fostering new forms of creativity. She has collaborated on a number of projects in this area, including the Carnegie Trust-funded Enthusiasm, the GCRF-funded De-Industrialization and Conflict in Donbas, and the House of Europe and GCRF-funded (Un)archiving (Post-)industry. She is also an AHRC/BBC New Generation Thinker and a British Academy Rising Star Engagement Award holder.

Selected publications

“Pereglyadayuchi Muratovu v chas sotsial’noi izolyatsii” Korydor: Zhurnal po suchasnu kulturu, April 2020

(co-authored with Darya Tsymbalyuk) “Vid ruin porn do ‘zabroshka-erotiki’,” YourArt, February 2021:

(produced with Darya Tsymbalyuk and Clemens Poole) “Slavic Studies Goes Public: Doing Things With Difficult Heritage/People/Words.” March 2021:

Chronicles in Stone: Preservation, Patriotism and Identity in Northwest Russia (Cornell University Press, 2019)