Lecturer, School of Geography and Sustainable Development


Originally from Berlin, with a degree from Glasgow and a PhD in Politics from Stirling, Antje is a lecturer in Sustainable Development. She has published a number of articles and book chapters on environmental politics and policy and is particularly interested in environmental policy discourse, framing and implementation.

Selected publications

The dynamics of frame-bridging: exploring the nuclear discourse in ScotlandBrown, A., 1 May 2017, In: Scottish Affairs. 26, 2, p. 194-211

Energy justice and policy change: an historical political analysis of the German nuclear phase-outMcCauley, D., Brown, A., Rehner, R., Heffron, R. & van de Graaff, S., 15 Oct 2018, In: Applied Energy. 228, p. 317-323 7 p.

Green PoliticsBrown, A. C. K., May 2020, The Oxford Handbook of Scottish Politics. Keating, M. (ed.). Oxford University Press