PhD Candidate, School of Geography and Sustainable Development
Working in rural communities, my research has often looked at conflict. Currently completing my PhD on communities’ experiences living near wind energy. I am particularly interested in energy justice including how participating in the wind farm development or receiving benefits may influence acceptance/opposition. I have previously researched conservation conflicts, working primarily in human-wildlife conflicts.
Selected publications
Hogan, J. L., & Brown, C. D. (2021). Spatial extent and severity of all‐terrain vehicles use on coastal sand dune vegetation. Applied Vegetation Science, 24(1), e12549.
Hogan, J. L., Sponarski, C. C., & Bath, A. J. (2019). All-terrain vehicles: Differences in perceptions of impact on coastal dunes among communities in New Brunswick, Canada. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, 26, 61-71.
Hogan, J. L., Warren, C. R., Simpson, M., & McCauley, D. (2022). What makes local energy projects acceptable? Probing the connection between ownership structures and community acceptance. Energy Policy, 171, 113257. DOI: (Open Access)