Senior Lecturer, School of Geography and Sustainable Development


Dr Reid is a social scientist working in the area of sustainable practices with a particular interest in the processes through which these influence and are influenced by everyday household life. Increasingly, her focus explores the role of digital and smart technologies within these relations. For instance, Dr Reid has led projects on Low Carbon Smart Homes (ESRC Future Research Leaders Project) and ‘Homes that Care’ (RSE Fellowship). Dr Reid is vice-chair of the Board of Hanover Scotland and is a member of the University of St Andrews’ Environmental Sustainability Board. Dr Reid previously worked as Research Fellow on an ESRC/BBSRC/MRC funded project: Behaviour Well-being, Environment and Life (2009-2010) at the University of Aberdeen. She gained her PhD on ‘Environmental Behaviour Change: A Role for Reflexive Diaries’ from the University of Aberdeen in 2010, has an MSc in Sustainable Rural Development and MA(hons) in Environmental Geography.

Selected publications

Anticipating technology-enabled care at home Reid, L., 1 Aug 2021, (E-pub ahead of print) In: Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers. Early View, 15.

Home as riskscape: exploring technology enabled care Reid, L., Jun 2021, In: The Geographical Journal. 187, 2, p. 85-97.

Demanding expectations: exploring the experience of distributed heat generation in Europe Reid, L. & Ellsworth-Krebs, K., Jan 2021, In: Energy Research and Social Science. 71, 10 p., 101821.

Home comfort and “peak household”: implications for energy demand Ellsworth-Krebs, K., Reid, L. & Hunter, C. J., 27 Nov 2019, Housing, Theory and Society.

Nudge(ography) and practice theories: Contemporary sites of behavioural science and post-structuralist approaches in geography? Reid, L. & Ellsworth-Krebs, K., 1 Apr 2019, In: Progress in Human Geography. 43, 2, p. 295-313 19.