Lecturer, School of Geography and Sustainable Development
Michael Simpson completed his PhD in 2018 at the University of British Columbia. Prior to coming to St Andrews, he held concurrent postdoctoral positions at the University of British Columbia and the University of Toronto. He has also held previous positions as Fulbright Scholar at the University of Minnesota, and Visiting Researcher at the University of California, Berkeley.
Selected publications
Michael Simpson & Philippe Le Billon (2021). Reconciling violence: Policing the politics of recognition. Geoforum, 119, 111-121.
Michael Simpson (2020). Fossil urbanism: fossil fuel flows, settler colonial circulations, and the production of carbon cities. Urban Geography, 1-22.
Michael Simpson (2019). The annihilation of time by space: Pluri-temporal strategies of capitalist circulation. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, 2(1), 110-128.
Michael Simpson (2019). Resource desiring machines: The production of settler colonial space, violence, and the making of a resource in the Athabasca tar sands. Political Geography, 74, 102044.
Michael Simpson (2020). The Anthropocene as colonial discourse. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 38(1), 53-71.