Senior Lecturer, School of Economics
Radoslaw (or Radek) Stefanski is a Senior Lecturer at the School of Economics and Finance at the University of St Andrews. He is also an External Research Associate at the Oxford Centre for the Analysis of Resource Rich Economies at the University of Oxford.
After obtaining a PhD from the Department of Economics at the University of Minnesota, he was a Post-doctoral Research Fellow at the University of Oxford in the Department of Economics and in New College and later an Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics at Laval University in Canada.
Selected publications
Selection, Patience, and the Interest Rate. Journal of Political Economy Macroeconomics, Vol. 2, Number 1, (March 2024), with Alex Trew
Boom goes the price: Giant resource discoveries and real exchange rate appreciation. Economic Journal, Vol. 130, Issue 630 (August, 2020), 1715-1728, with Torfinn Harding and Gerhard Toews
Velocity in the Long Run: Money and Structural Transformation. Review of Economic Dynamics, 31 (2019), 393–410, with Antonio Mele.
Windfalls, Structural Transformation and Specialization. Journal of International Economics, 90 (2013), 273–301, with Karlygash Kuralbayeva.
Structural Transformation and the Oil Price. Review of Economic Dynamics, 17(3) (2014), 458-504.
Into the mire: A closer look at fossil fuel subsidies. Calgary School of Public Policy SPP Research papers, 9(10) (2016).