Harry Watkins: Building a Landscape
Host James is joined by Dr Lydia Cole (St Andrews) as the two discuss a recent report on behavioral changes that can fight Climate Change and some news about the future of nuclear fusion power. Then our hosts interview the Director of the St Andrews Botanic Garden and landscape architect Harry Watkins as we discuss the importance of tree-life, protecting biodiversity and the new era being welcomed at the St Andrews Botanic Garden.
For more details from the podcast see below.
For more information on the Tangled Bank Project or anything else going on at the St Andrews Botanic Garden, head over to their website. You can contact Harry or his team at the gardens via email: [email protected].
In this podcast, Lydia discussed the report ‘Planes, Homes and Automobiles‘ produced by the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change. You can find the Peatlands Exhibition here.
James’ discussion of nuclear fusion was based on the article, ‘Nuclear Fusion Strives for Place at COP26 Green Energy Table‘ written by David Matthews for ScienceBusiness.net.
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Music by ANtarctic Breeze.