Dr Tim Hewlett: Scientist and Activist
Our host James and Centre for Energy Ethics (University of St Andrews) PhD Researcher Sarah O’Brien discuss news about the creation of a brand new catalytic material and the recent landmark UK court case involving members of Extinction Rebellion. Our hosts then go into an interview with the co-founder of the climate activist group Scientist Rebellion, activist and astrophysicist, Dr Tim Hewlett.
For more details from the podcast see below.
To find out more about Tim’s group, Scientist Rebellion, visit their website or check out their social media (Facebook or Twitter)
In this podcast, James discussed this study from Nature Chemistry. We will provide a link to the relevant post on The Energy Blog when it goes live.
Sarah’s discussion of the recent Extinction Rebellion court case was informed by articles featured in The Guardian and the Financial Times.
Music by ANtarctic Breeze.