Support Team

Gayle Erwin

Gayle Erwin

Gayle has extensive experience in the Higher Education sector, with a comprehensive understanding of processes, systems, and policies across various institutions, schools, and research institutes. Based at the University of St Andrews, she provides proactive...

Iain Brocklebank

Iain Brocklebank

Iain graduated from Abertay University in 1994 with a BSc in Electronics and worked briefly with Motorola before joining the Fire Service in 1995. During his 29 year career in the Fire Service he worked at various stations across Fife, in addition to short spells in...

Millie Mather

Millie Mather

Originally from the Isle of Islay, Millie studied English Literature and Creative Writing at Dundee University before pursuing a career in communications. Based at the University of Glasgow, Millie is now the Communications Officer for the Alliances for Research...

Paul Conlan

Paul Conlan

Paul Conlan is a graduate of the St-Andrews/Stirling joint philosophy programme, completing his PhD in 2022 with a thesis entitled 'I'm a Believer: Evans' Transparency Remark and Self-Knowledge'. Within the project, Paul is one of our Event Co-ordinators. When he's...

Mike Arrowsmith

Mike Arrowsmith

Mike Arrowsmith is Computer Officer in the School of Philosophical, Anthropological and Film Studies and a digital heritage consultant.
