The Norwegian University of Life Sciences together with the University of Agder is organising PhD course on “Renewable energy and its contestations” on 7–10th of June 2021. It is likely to take place in form of a hybrid course located at NMBU, Norway.
The course seeks to develop discussion and learning about renewable energy transitions and their contestation. A major goal of the course is to explore socio-technical imaginaries of energy and the environment as a means to respond to conflicts and to rethink the legitimate and just governance of renewable energy.
The course will include lecturers from both the global South and Nordic countries addressing different energy-society conflicts from angles of socio-technical imaginaries and energy justice. Practitioners/oppositions from wind power development in Norway have also been invited. As such the course opens for discussions across a range of actors to consider different perspectives on sustainable energy transition pathways.
To sign up or learn more, see the course website: