Are you interested in the social, economic and environmental implications of energy transitions? Would you like to represent the UK in the EERA Joint Programme on this important topic?
An opportunity has arisen to represent the UK in the E3S Joint Programme. We are therefore inviting candidates who would be interested in becoming the UK rep to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI).
The UK member will have the opportunity to network with leading researchers from other countries in Europe with an interest in this agenda. This can be expected to lead to useful sharing of both research insights and opportunities for collaboration, e.g. in new consortia bidding for EC funds.
The UK representative in the new JP will be expected to attend JP management meetings which are held twice a year, represent the views of UK researchers with similar interests, and communicate developments of the JP, including opportunities, to the community in the UK. The representative can expect assistance from the UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC) in communicating with the UK energy research community but will also be expected to access other UK networks.
The representative will also be expected to join meetings of all the UK JP reps (usually twice a year) in order that learning from across JPs can be shared. The UK reps’ meetings will be convened by UKERC.
The fees for the UK representative’s membership of the JP will be paid by UKRI via UKERC. The rep will be expected to pay their travel and subsistence costs for attendance of meetings, though the option of joining online is expected to be available in most, if not all, cases.
If you are interested in becoming the UK’s rep in this new JP, please contact UKERC’s Operations Manager, [email protected] by Tuesday 1st September 23.59. Please send a short CV and briefly outline, in no more than 500 words, why you are interested in becoming the UK rep and what you can offer in terms of representing the UK energy research community in the JP. In the event of there being more than one EOI, the UKERC leadership group will make a selection and let you know by 4th September 2020