Call for Manuscripts for a Special Issue of the Forum Sociológico Journal on Local Knowledge and Small-Scale Communities: Social Science Perspectives towards Sustainability, until April 30th.
In the Anthropocene, more and more challenges are jeopardising our daily way of life. We’re talking about environmental, economic, political, and social challenges that directly or indirectly alter the day-to-day lives of humans and non-humans alike. These challenges have shown that the way we relate to the environment/nature crucially dictates the survival of ways of life, in a context of growing uncertainty about what the future holds for us as a human species. At local level it is possible to find strategies to mitigate these challenges, characterised by processes of adaptation, resistance, and resilience.
This special issue focuses on the importance of local and/or small-scale community knowledge in relation to everyday life and its elements, in the management of natural resources and its need to be valued at a political level. However, this knowledge, which some may consider to be lay knowledge, is difficult to translate for political decision-makers. In this sense, it is also important to reflect on the role of the social sciences, and anthropology in particular, in this process and its dialogue with transdisciplinarity.
Considering these aspects, we invite the submission of scientific articles that consider different case studies, but also theoretical and methodological works, seeking to contribute in an organised way to the debate on how local knowledge and the Social Sciences can enable more sustainable ways of life.
Original proposals for scientific articles written in Portuguese, English, Spanish and French will be accepted.
All article proposals, both review and empirical, must be sent in their complete version by email (.docx format) to Forum Sociológico ([email protected]) with the title of the special issue in the subject field and by April 30, 2024.
Before submitting a proposal to the journal within the scope of this special issue, all authors must i) be aware of the policies, editorial procedures and rules for the preparation and submission of texts, published in particular on the pages Rules for the Submission of Originals and Declaration of Ethics and Good Practices; ii) have participated substantially in the work; iii) have identified all the sources of funding for the research carried out; iv) obtain all the necessary authorisations and licences for reproduction, publication and dissemination in open access (rights to use images or other third-party material, etc.), assuming responsibility for indicating the respective credits in the work and any charges that may be incurred.), taking responsibility for indicating the respective credits in the work and any costs associated with obtaining them and exempting the journal and CICS.NOVA – Interdisciplinary Centre for Social Sciences of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of NOVA University Lisbon from any responsibility in this regard; v) taking final responsibility for the content and statements made in the text.