CEE Director of Policy Dr Sean Field has received new funding from the Scotland Beyond Net Zero seed fund. This funding is to support the new initiative: ‘The UK Co-Benefits Atlas’, which Sean will begin alongside and Dr Benjamin Bach (University of Edinburgh).

‘The UK Co-Benefits Atlas: Open, Interactive, and Visual Presentation of Co-Benefits Analysis for Achieving Net Zero across communities, businesses and governments’ proposes the creation of an interactive web-based data interface to make information and assessment more accessible and useful. 

“This is a really exciting project that aims to make co-benefits data more accessible.” said Sean, “Co-Benefits are critically important because the ‘economic case’ for decarbonising Scotland’s housing and building stock rests on better understanding the indirect effects of acting on climate change.” 

The UK Co-Benefits Atlas is one of three projects with collaborators from the University of St Andrews to receive funding from the Scotland Beyond Net Zero seed fund. The other two projects are:

Beyond Net Zero: A Framework for Natural Capital Markets in the Marine Environment 
This collaboration between Professor David Paterson (St Andrews and Glasgow) will develop an interdisciplinary and multi-stakeholder partnership to form a Scotland-wide Marine Natural Capital Markets working group, embedded within the marine science community through MASTS to ensure durable, long-term collaboration. 

Clean Energy from plastic waste
This collaboration between Dr Oxana Magdysyuk (St Andrews) and Dr Yeshui Zhang (Aberdeen) will harness the energy embedded in plastic waste and transform it into hydrogen gas for clean energy applications.