Energy Cafe
Discussion with Dr Matthew Brander, Senior Lecturer of Carbon Accounting (University of Edinburgh)
As a Senior Lecturer of Carbon Accounting at the University of Edinburgh, Dr Matthew Brander, has worked on greenhouse gas (GHG) accounting and climate change policy appraisal, in both consultancy and academia, since 2006. His current research explores competing methods of GHG accounting, how these methods are understood, and corporate GHG accountability.
In a world where reducing GHG emissions is at the top of corporate and governmental policy agendas, accounting for GHG is essential.
This Café is sponsored by the Energy & Climate Finance Network and will be guest hosted by Dr Shona Russell, Senior Lecturer and Co-director of Centre for Social and Environmental Accounting Research at St Andrews.
We hope you will join us.
Register here: Energy Cafe Tickets, Tue, Nov 2, 2021 at 12:00 PM | Eventbrite