Call For Abstracts

The call for paper, film, panel, and poster abstracts is closed.
Find the call details below.

Topics and Themes

In line with the interdisciplinary ethos of the Centre for Energy Ethics, we welcome abstracts across all disciplines, including: Art history, anthropology, accounting, business, classics, earth sciences, economics, engineering, finance, geography, history, literature, management, philosophy, sociology, social psychology, and STS.

We welcome abstracts that address topics, such as: externalities; value(s); climate ethics; war and conflict; crisis; liabilities; fuel poverty; justice; environment, social, and governance (ESG); biodiversity; capital; assets and assetisation; financialisation; growth and degrowth.

We particularly welcome abstracts that engage the following themes and subthemes:

  • Time: Utopia and dystopia; hope and despair; legacy and destiny
  • Debt: Obligation and fiduciary duty; responsibility and accountability; indebtedness and exploitation
  • Risk: Speculation and hedging; climate and financial risks; insurance and security
  • Investment: Shareholders and stakeholders; ownership and equity; profit and return
  • Politics: Petrodollars and geopolitics; public and private finance; policies and governance
  • Infrastructure: Energy communities and energy cooperatives; geographies and materialities of energy; climate mitigation and adaptation

Call for Paper, Film, Panel, and Poster Abstracts


For the conference, you can submit paper abstracts individually or as a group.

Individual Paper Abstracts

For individual submissions, please submit a paper abstract of no more than 150 words. At the conference, individual paper presentations will be grouped into panels of 3-4 papers with each paper allocated 20-25 minutes (depending on whether there are 3 or 4 papers in a panel), followed by Q&A which will take place for 25 minutes.

Paper abstracts must include the name, institutional affiliation, email address of each author, and whether authors intend to present in-person or virtually.

Paper Panel Abstracts (3-4 Papers)

For group submissions, please submit a panel abstract of no more than 300 words along with 3-4 individual paper abstracts of no more than 150 words each. At the conference, each individual paper presentation will be allocated 20-25 minutes (depending on whether there are 3 or 4 papers in a panel), followed by Q&A which will take place for 25 minutes. Each panel will thus be 1¾ hours.

Panels must name two convenors at the time of submission. This is to avoid panels being cancelled if one convenor is unable to attend on the scheduled day and time. Each paper abstract, which is part of the panel, must include the name, institutional affiliation, and email address of each author. Panel abstracts should also specify whether presentations will be in-person, virtual, or include a combination.


Like paper abstracts, film abstracts can be submitted individually or as a group.

Individual Film Abstracts

For individual submissions, please submit a written film abstract of no more than 150 words describing the film, its genre (e.g. film poem, short documentary, found footage, video essay) and its aims in relation to the topics and themes listed below. At the conference, individual film presentations will be grouped into panels of 3. Each film must be a maximum of 20 minutes or less, with 5 minutes allocated for filmmakers to introduce their films, for a total of 25 minutes each. Each panel will conclude with a Q&A, which will take place for 25 minutes.

Individual film abstracts must include the name, institutional affiliation (if applicable), email address of each filmmaker, and whether filmmakers intend to present in-person or virtually.

Film Panel Abstracts (3 films)

For group submissions, please submit a panel abstract of no more than 300 words along with 3 individual written film abstracts of no more than 150 words each. Panel abstracts should describe the theme of the panel and its aims in relation to the topics and themes listed below. Individual film abstracts should describe the film and its genre (e.g. film poem, short documentary, found footage, video essay)

Each film must be a maximum of 20 minutes or less, with 5 minutes allocated for filmmakers to introduce their films, for a total of 25 minutes each. Each panel will conclude with a Q&A, which will take place for 25 minutes.

 Each panel will thus be 1¾ hours.

Film panels must name two convenors at the time of submission. This is to avoid panels being cancelled if one convenor is unable to attend on the scheduled day and time. Panel abstracts should also specify whether presentations will be in-person, virtual, or include a combination.


Poster Abstracts

We welcome poster abstracts of no more than 150 words, which should describe the poster and its aims in relation to the topics and themes listed below. A mock version or thumbnail of the poster is welcome, but not necessary, with the abstract.

Abstracts must include the name, institutional affiliation, email address of each contributor, and whether contributors intend to present their posters in-person (printed) or virtually.


Panel Convenor Responsibilities

It is the responsibility of convenors to communicate with the panel members whether their panel has been accepted or not accepted.

It is also convenors’ responsibility to ensure that all panel participants are aware of how much time they have been allocated, remind participants to register to attend the conference, and communicate with the conference organisers about any withdrawals or panel changes.

Lastly, it is convenors’ responsibility to arrive at their panel location at least 10 minutes prior, ensure panel participants arrive prior to the start of their panel, ensure time keeping during the panel, and chair the Q&A.

How to submit paper, film, poster, and panel abstracts

All abstracts should have been emailed to [email protected] no later than 15 November 2022 at 23:59 (UK time). 

Prospective panel convenors and individual panellists will be notified whether their abstracts have been accepted from 15 December 2022.

If you have any questions about the submission process, please email us at [email protected].