Call for Submissions

- Deadline: 10 February 2021 at 23:59 (GMT).
- A virtual exhibition of creative works focusing on life with energy.
- Cash awards for the top three finalists (£1,000, £250, £150) across categories.
Envisioning life with energy
Global energy demand continues to rise. To meet this demand energy producers are increasingly relying on innovative methods of harvesting energy from fossil fuels, nuclear and renewable sources. At the same time, public concern about the impact of anthropogenic climate change is growing, alongside tense conflicts over the human and environmental impact of energy production, distribution, consumption and waste-handling. Recognising that this energy predicament has no simple answer, it raises fundamental questions about what we consider to be right or good, and the kinds of energy futures we envision for ourselves, our communities, and future generations around the world.
We seek submissions on the topic of energy that engage creatively with the following challenge:
How would you artistically conceptualise our current energy predicament where we need to balance energy demand with concern about human-driven climate change? How can we make sense of the entanglement of life with energy in the past, present and future?
We are seeking art submissions of the following types/categories:
- Visual (photography, printmaking, drawing, painting, mixed media; maximum 5 images)
- Short Film & Media (video, filmmaking, performance, maximum 5 minutes in length)
- Sound Art (maximum 5 minutes in length)
- Spoken word, poems, written submissions and short essays (Maximum 800 words)
The deadline for submissions is 10 February 2021 at 23:59 (GMT). Submissions should be emailed to [email protected]. If file sizes are too large to send via email, please include a link to a shared file location where the submissions can be accessed and downloaded.
- There is no fee associated with participating in The Art of Energy.
- Because of the on-going COVID pandemic The Art of Energy will be hosted online.
Please include the following with your submission:
- Visual, short film, media and sound art submissions should include a maximum 250 word description of the submission.
- All submissions should include a maximum 100 word biography of the artist(s).
- All submissions should identify if the work has been shown/presented publicly before, including when and where it has been shown/presented. It is recognised that submissions may have been previously produced and shown/presented prior to the event; preference, however, may be given to new, unshown, works.
Selection & Finalist Announcement:
Submissions will be reviewed and participants will be informed by 15 February if their submission has been accepted. Accepted participants are expected to be present (online) for, and participate in, the virtual exhibit from 2-5pm on 25-26 February, and to be present for the announcement of the finalists on 26 February. A panel of judges will assess final submissions and finalists will be announced on the afternoon of 26 February. There will be prizes for the top three finalists across all four categories (for a total of 3 prizes overall). These three finalists will receive awards of £1,000, £250, £150, respectively
Looking for Inspiration?
Participants looking for inspiration for their work may refer to the proceedings of Energy Ethics 2020The Energy Blog, and the Special Issue of the Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute on Energy Ethics.
The Art of Energy will also mark the launch of the Centre for Energy Ethics at the University of St Andrews, led by Dr Mette High. Offering a collaborative interdisciplinary environment, the Centre will have an Artist-in-Residence scheme that will enable us to continue working on and with matters of energy!
Contact Us:
We encourage you to get in touch with questions! Please email the event organisers Dr Sean Field ([email protected]) and Sarah O’Brien ([email protected]).