The Centre for Energy Ethics and the University of St Andrews welcome you to the Art of Energy virtual gallery space. Connected by a scenic promenade, you will find three gallery buildings: the Mezzanine Energy building, the East Energy Studio and the West Energy Studio.
The vibrant and diverse works in the Mezzanine building gravitate around the central theme of ‘how can we make sense of the entanglement of life with energy?’ Initially opened in February 2021 with the launch of the Centre, in this part of the gallery you will find exhibits by three world-renowned photographers, a soundscape, and creative works shortlisted for the inaugural Art of Energy Award.
In the Energy Studio buildings, opened in October 2021, you will find a diverse collection of exhibits that showcase creative collaborations between St Andrews researchers and photographers. You will also find exhibits that challenge us to reflect how energy legacies are memorialized and how the past shapes our present and future.
The gallery may be best explored on a laptop or desktop computer. It may take a moment to load. Web browsers and digital devices may function differently in the virtual gallery space. Click here to find our accessibility page.