PhD Candidate, Department of Social Anthropology


Lorenzo is a doctoral candidate at the University of St Andrews, affiliated with the Centre for Energy Ethics. He holds a Master’s degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology from La Sapienza University of Rome and has prior experience conducting ethnographic fieldwork in the Sierra Norte de Puebla, Mexico.

His current doctoral research is based on multimodal (digital and in-person) ethnographic fieldwork within an Italian renewable energy cooperative. This study delves into how the cooperative navigates the evolving national energy market and the emerging policy landscape regarding energy communities.

Lorenzo’s research interests span anthropological inquiries related to energy transition, economic ethicising, infrastructure, and organisations. He is dedicated to fostering interdisciplinary and collaborative research, particularly focusing on energy commons.

Selected publications

Sapochetti, L. 2019. A difesa di un “Progetto di vita”: Pastorale Indigena e conflitti territoriali nella Sierra Norte de Puebla (Messico). L’Uomo, vol. IX, n. 1, pp. 171-20.