Art of Energy and Centre Launch

25 and 26 February 2021

Art of Energy Provocation


Global energy demand continues to rise. To meet this demand energy producers are increasingly relying on innovative methods of harvesting energy from fossil fuels, nuclear and renewable sources. At the same time, public concern about the impact of anthropogenic climate change is growing, alongside tense conflicts over the human and environmental impact of energy production, distribution, consumption and waste-handling. Recognising that this energy predicament has no simple answer, it raises fundamental questions about what we consider to be right or good, and the kinds of energy futures we envision for ourselves, our communities, and future generations around the world.

We sought submissions on the topic of energy that engage creatively with the following challenge:
How would you artistically conceptualise our current energy predicament where we need to balance energy demand with concern about human-driven climate change? How can we make sense of the entanglement of life with energy in the past, present and future?

We asked for art submissions of the following types/categories:

  • Visual (photography, printmaking, drawing, painting, mixed media; maximum 5 images)
  • Short Film & Media (video, filmmaking, performance, maximum 5 minutes in length)
  • Sound Art (maximum 5 minutes in length)
  • Spoken word, poems, written submissions and short essays (Maximum 800 words)We were honoured to receive an incredible 135 submissions for the Art of Energy Award! The quality and breadth of these submissions were truly overwhelming. From these, 30 were shortlisted for the virtual gallery. The Selection Committee considered, deliberated and selected the finalists.Many thanks to everyone who gave us the opportunity to consider their creative works.

Art of Energy Award


Diana Sykes  – Director, Fife Contemporary

Gair Dunlop – Senior Lecturer, Contemporary Art Practice, Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design, University of Dundee



Adam Sébire

2 Rebecca Sharp

3 Natasha Awuku*

Rishabh Raghavan*

* The third prize was jointly awarded.


Alec Finlay

Amy McTurk

Craig Buchan

Daniella Levins & Noah Gillespie

George Fox

Hannah Imlach & Thomas Butler

Jason Moyes

Maica Gugolati

Rickard Fornstedt, Helena Fornstedt & Staffan Laestadius


Alicia Cohen

Andreas Bock Michelsen

Anne Sofie Møller Askholm

Clare Yarrington

Daniel Silas

Edoardo Santangelo

Jasper McKinney

Jonah Garrett-Bannister

Katerina Evangelou

Kris Murphy

Mary and Michal

Ojo Taiye


Shane Hynan

Ted Leeming

Yulia Dotsenko

Zi Quan

Event Schedule: Day 1


25 FEB, 1400 – 1600HRS GMT   


Opening Remarks 

  • Professor Sally Mapstone, Principal & Vice-Chancellor of University of St Andrews
  • Professor Mark Harris, Head of School, Philosophical, Anthropological and Film Studies

Introducing the Centre for Energy Ethics

  • Dr Mette High, Director of the Centre for Energy Ethics & Reader in the Department of Social Anthropology

The Art of Energy

  • Sound Performance by pecq
  • Virtual Gallery Tour

Closing Remarks 

Virtual Pub Session (Opens on Zoom immediately following event)

Event Schedule: Day 2


26 FEB, 1400 – 1600HRS GMT      


Opening Remarks  

  • Dr Huon Wardle, Head of Department, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Social Anthropology   

End of an Era?’ Film Trailer and Directors’ Q&A

  • Filmmakers Paloma Yañez Serrano and Ben Llorens

The Art Award   

  • Virtual Gallery Tour
  • Gair Dunlop, Senior Lecturer, Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design, Univ of Dundee
  • Diana Sykes, Director, Fife Contemporary
  • Finalists Announcement & Q&A    

Closing Remarks  

Virtual Pub Session (Opens on Zoom immediately following event)

Art of Energy Exhibition

The Energy Ethics team and University of St Andrews welcome you to the Art of Energy virtual exhibition. The vibrant and diverse artworks you are about to experience gravitate around, challenge and question the central theme of ‘how can we make sense of the entanglement of life with energy?’  

The gallery is best explored on a laptop or desktop computer. Use your arrow keys to move around the 3D gallery space and your cursor to look around.  To zoom into an image, text, sound source, or video use your shift key.  To exit the gallery, use your esc key It may take a moment to load. Web browsers and digital devices may function differently in the virtual gallery space.

Click below to start exploring. Please be advised, visitors may find some images disturbing.

On the first floor, you will find exhibits by three world-renowned photographers, each bringing their own distinctive perspective to the theme of energy in contemporary life. On the second floor, you will find creative works from a range of artists participating in the inaugural Art of Energy Award. A soundscape created by musicians pecq will accompany your journey throughout the gallery space.  

We invite you to explore this virtual gallery at your own pace. Enjoy!

Sound Performance

Day 1 of the Art of Energy included a specially-commissioned Sound Performance by the group pecq.

pecq are a Psych pop band consisting of two members, Nikò (FR/IT) & Jakes (UK). The pair also run Upcycled Sounds studio & label.

Cinematography by Ross Harrison.

Event Highlights