Venue Information
The Centre’s Policy Reunion event – Acting on Climate Change: Policy, Rights, & Net Zero – is set to take place on Friday 10 May 2024 in the heart of the University of St Andrews, St Salvator’s Quad. All venues being used for this event meet the University’s accessibility standards. If you have any special requirements, please do reach out to our event organisers at [email protected] and we will do all we can to make your event experience as enjoyable as possible.
Event Sessions
The three event sessions will be hosted in School III, a theatre-style lecture room with folding out writing tables.
Break Sessions
All breaks, registration and the evening reception will take place at Lower College Hall. The University achieved Fairtrade university status in April 2006 and fair trade tea and coffee are served at all conferences. It is important for us to cater for any specific dietary requirements that you might have. Please let us know of any such requirements upon registration; our team will then do our best to accommodate these.
Creche Information
As a part of the Centre for Energy Ethics’ commitment to provide events that are accessible and inclusive, a creche for childcare will be provided free of charge on site by Rise and Shine Childcare.