PhD Candidate, Department of Humanities. Literature, Cultural Heritage, Education Sciences, University of Foggia
Mario Valente is a second year PhD Candidate at University of Foggia. For his doctoral research, Mario is currently studying the political impact of wind industry in the south of Italy. His research focuses on the connection between the actual socio-technical configuration of wind power and local politics, with particular attention to patronage relationships that this connection has produced. In his fieldwork carried out in S.Agata di Puglia (FG), Mario is trying to reconstruct the complex polysemy of the concept of sustainability and the different ways in which the energy transition is experienced and signified by those who are living it, the ideologies and imaginaries produced by renewable energy and the ideas of present and future connected to them.
He graduated in Anthropological and Geographic Sciences for Cultural Heritage and the Enhancement of Territories at the University of Basilicata. For his Masters, he carried out a 7-month fieldwork studying the homelessness in the city of Foggia. His Masters thesis focused on the connection between homelessness and migration, the relationship that homeless develop with public spaces and the forms of symbolic violence exercised on them by charities and welfare organizations.