Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Fachbereich Soziale Arbeit Medien Kultur, Hochschule Merseburg


Chima is a Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter in Hochschule Merseburg’s Fachbereich Soziale Arbeit.Medien.Kultur. His research focuses on transitions, imaginaries and future-making, and for the past several years he has been involved in several research project studying energy transitions. These have included a study of a British local government’s efforts to plan and implement policies to ensure Net Zero is reached, a project examining the role of energy modelling in local government’s policymaking, and an examination of communities where mine water heat might be introduced. At Merseburg he is currently involved in an interdisciplinary research group with engineers, informaticians and social scientists studying the effects of decentralisation and digitalization on electrical grids.

Doctor Anyadike-Danes received his PhD in the discipline of Cultural Anthropology from the University of California, Irvine’s Department of Anthropology.

Selected publications

2024 “Divergent Imaginings: Transitioning to Decarbonised Mobility in Post-Coalonial County Durham”. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift. Vol 78, No 5 December.
2023 “A Bear and Those Things Beneath My Knees: Nature in Settler Colonial Los Angeles”, In: Ferne Edwards, Ida Nilstad Pettersen and Lucia Alexandra Popartan (eds.). Urban Natures: Making Visible, (Re)Connecting and (Re)Politicising.
2022 “Whose Witnesses: An Examination of the Potential Pitfalls of Producing EV Futures Through Experimentation”, In: Kelsey Oldbury, Karolina Isaksson, and Greg Marsden (eds.). Learning from Spaces of Experimentation: Risks, Values and Issues at Stake for Sustainable Transport Governance.
2022 “The Anthropology of Post-Coalonialism.” EASA Network for Contemporary Anthropological Theory.