Social Anthropology

Ainur Begim

Ainur Begim

Ainur "Aina" Begim is a sociocultural anthropologist with research and teaching interests in economic anthropology, finance, sustainability, natural resources, Eurasia and Norway. Aina received her B.A. degree from Bates College and her M.Phil. and Ph.D. degrees in...

Daniel Souleles

Daniel Souleles

I hold a PhD in Applied Anthropology from Columbia University in the US. Generally speaking, I'm interested in how groups of people create, identify, and allocate things they see as valuable, thereby creating wealth and forms of inequality. This general interest has...

Eleonora Ranuzzi

Eleonora Ranuzzi

Eleonora graduated from a Social Anthropology Master’s of Research from St Andrews University in 2020, after taking an undergraduate degree in Clinical-Cognitive Psychology in Italy. She has always been interested in social dilemmas and issues, conducting research on...

Hannah Fitchett

Hannah Fitchett

Hannah’s research explores efforts to create ethical and ontological change in response to environmental breakdown, within the transnational Extinction Rebellion (XR) movement. Through fieldwork with XR activists in London and Madrid she focuses on the movement’s...
