The energy crisis is having a global impact. It has generated much debate around where we source energy, how we use it and how to protect consumers who are struggling to pay their bills.
In response to these issues, UKERC have teamed up with the Energy Institute and the Royal Academy of Engineering to co-host an event on Tuesday 1st November 9.30-11.30, which will consider the implications of the crisis on prices, consumers and security of supply.
It will cover the following topics:
- Price – the impact of the government’s recent policy announcements on consumers this winter.
- Emissions – the impact of the government’s recent policy announcements on the UK’s emissions.
- Europe – responses from other European economies and areas for collaboration.
The event has a fantastic array of speakers, so register here to join in:
- Joanne Wade, Chief Strategic Advisor, the Association for Decentralised Energy
- Rob Gross, Professor at Imperial College London / UKERC Director
- David Joffe, Head of Net Zero, Climate Change Committee
- Antony Froggatt, Deputy Director for the Environment and Society Programme, Chatham House
- Gillian Cooper, Head of Energy Policy, Citizen’s Advice
- Juliet Phillips, Senior Policy Advisor, E3G
- TBC, Scottish Government