The Birmingham Centre for Energy Storage at the School of Chemical Engineering of the University of Birmingham is recruiting for a highly motivated researcher to join projects funded by Horizon Europe and URKI. This role requires experience in techno-economic modelling, optimization, and integration of energy storage into multi-energy systems. 

The overarching goal is to utilise simulation and optimization methods to develop zero-carbon multi-energy systems integrated with: 

  • power-to-X solutions (e.g. Heat pumps, power to H2), 
  • thermal energy storage (TES) technologies, 
  • local energy networks (e.g. local grid, district heating network). The simulations results will support the development of real-life local energy systems in the UK and Europe. 

Working in close collaboration with academics at the University of Birmingham, project partners and industrial partners, the post holder will contribute to the development, application, testing and validation of models, with modelling results contributing to the development and optimization of real-life multi-energy systems in the UK and overseas.

The position is part of national/international projects (Horizon Europe, UKRI) aimed at ‘transforming industrial clusters and energy districts into multi-energy systems integrating renewable energy sources, energy networks, and zero-carbon technologies’. Exemplar case of such multi-energy system is our unique real-life Tyseley Energy Park in East Birmingham.

This research and development will ultimately result in new scientific knowledge across relevant communities, know-how and intellectual property, towards net zero.

Other generic roles can include:

  • Work within specified research grants and projects and contribute to writing bids 
  • Operate within area of specialism
  • Analyse and interpret research findings and results 
  • Contribute to generating funding 
  • Contribute to public understanding of the discipline

Main Duties

This is an exciting opportunity for the successful candidate to develop and apply simulation and optimization models to investigate how zero-carbon technologies jointly with energy storage (e.g. Heat pumps, PV, Solar thermal collectors, Power-to-X, etc) can enable decarbonization of multi-energy systems comprising industrial clusters and districts. In particular, the researcher will:

  • Develop the models based on existing and new simulation environments, for simulation of multi-energy systems with other zero-carbon technologies as well as thermal energy storage
  • Implement and test the models in real environments
  • Perform robust techno-economic analysis and optimization of multi-energy systems 
  • Collect, analyse and study the impact of zero-carbon technologies and energy storage on energy demand and energy generation of multi-energy systems (industrial clusters, energy districts etc) 
  • Validate the results for real cases of multi-energy systems, both in the UK (Birmingham) and in other countries in Europe
  • Present research outputs, for example at conferences, workshops, and project review meetings
  • Provide guidance as required to support staff and any students who may be assisting with the research
  • Develop research objectives and proposals for own or joint research, with assistance of a mentor if required
  • Contribute to writing bids for research funding
  • Contribute to developing new models, techniques and methods
  • Apply knowledge in a way which develops new intellectual understanding
  • Supervise students on research related work and provide guidance to PhD students where appropriate to the discipline
  • Undertake management/administration arising from research
  • Contribute to Departmental/School research-related activities and research-related administration
  • Contribute to enterprise, business development and/or public engagement activities of manifest benefit to the College and the University, often under supervision of a project leader
  • Promote equality and values diversity acting as a role model and fostering an inclusive working culture.

The activity will ultimately lead to new disruptive understanding, use and operation of energy storage, zero-carbon technologies toward net-zero multi-energy systems..

Person Specification

  • Hold or be close to completing a PHD in an area of research within energy systems, or energy processes & technologies, or energy storage
  • Good underpinning degree in relevant field of science or engineering, for example: energy engineering, mechanical/chemical engineering, electrical engineering, computer science or a discipline closely related to the main duties
  • Proven track record in energy systems modelling and techno-economic analysis of energy systems and technologies
  • Proven track record and demonstrable proficiency in high-level programming for simulations and optimization of energy systems (e.g. Python, Matlab, Modelica, Julia, EES Engineering Equation Solver, or other similar)
  • Understanding and experience with techno-economic optimization techniques (e.g. mixed integer linear programming, multi-objective optimization, stochastic optimization, or other similar)
  • Track record of academic publications, delivery of project outcomes and outputs that are recognised within the field
  • Strong communication skills and ability to work in a diverse, international and cross disciplinary research and development environment
  • High level analytical capability
  • Ability to communicate complex information clearly
  • Fluency in relevant models, techniques or methods and ability to contribute to developing new ones
  • Ability to assess resource requirements and use resources effectively 
  • Understanding of and ability to contribute to broader management/administration processes
  • Ability to contribute to the planning and organising of the research programme and/or specific research project
  • Ability to co-ordinate own work with others to avoid conflict or duplication of effort
  • Knowledge of the protected characteristics of the Equality Act 2010, and how to actively ensure in day-to-day activity in own area that those with protected characteristics are treated equally and fairly.

Informal enquiries to Lada Zimina, email: [email protected]