The University of Glasgow is excited to present Imre Szeman’s Leverhulme Lecture Series ‘The Future of the Sun: On Energy Transition and Renewable Futures’. The series will comprise of three lectures on the 15th, 16th and 17th November.
2021 marked the end of the age of oil. What happens now?
“The Future of the Sun” critically explores claims being made about the best approach to energy transition and the shape of the renewable world that lies just over the horizon. Nation-states and entrepreneurs are offering publics competing visions of energy and environmental futures, even as right-wing ideologues fight to ensure the future looks much like the past. Who should we believe can and will undertake climate action in the interest of all the planet’s inhabitants? Are each of these actors only in it for themselves? And what do the gaps, limits, and problems in the plans of the powerful tell us about how to best approach energy transition, so that we get the future we want?
Lecture Details
Lecture One: The Temptations of Nationalisms
Tuesday 15th November, Fore Hall, 18.00 – 19.30
Lecture Two: The Life and Times of Bill Gates, Eco-Warrior
Wednesday 16th November, Fore Hall, 18.00 – 19.30
Lecture Three: From Convoys to Commons
Thursday 17th November, Fore Hall, 18.00