The workshop “Numbers and Stories II”, to be held at Politecnico di Milano on May 27-28 2024, will focus on the ethical aspects of climate change research and its applications. The workshop has an interdisciplinary approach, including (but not being limited to) physical climate sciences, economics, and philosophy. In this call for papers, we invite contributions from early career scientists to the researchers’ open sessions of the workshop. The researchers’ open sessions aim to provide early career scientists with the opportunity to showcase their work in front of peers and experts and be part of an international community. We welcome submissions for abstracts of papers concerned with the ethical dimensions of climate change research from any disciplinary background. In addition to the researchers’ open sessions, the workshop will feature international experts such as Alaa al Khourdajie (Imperial College London), Mathias Frisch (Leibniz Universität Hannover), Franziska Hoffart (University of Gottingen), Kian Mintz-Woo (University College Cork), Andrea Saltelli (University of Bergen), Elena Verdolini (Università degli Studi di Brescia) and Caroline Zimm (International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis). Two discussion panels, one on each day of the workshop, will help steer the conversation around crucial topics of ethical aspects of climate change research. The topics of the workshop encompass:
· Scientific responsibility
· The role of values in climate change research
· Scientific decision-making under deep uncertainty
· Justice in climate scenarios and storylines
· Transdisciplinarity and transformations
· Trust in and credibility of climate change research
The researchers’ open sessions will last 20 minutes, followed by 10 minutes of discussion. The deadline for submission is April 14th, 2024. Decisions are to be expected by April 24th. Researchers interested in participating in the workshop should send their contribution via e-mail to [email protected] with the subject “Contribution to Numbers and Stories”. The revision and the selection of the contribution will follow a double-blind process: We ask authors to send an anonymised version of their abstract as an attachment (.doc, .docx or .pdf format). The body of the e-mail should contain the authors’ names and affiliations. Only one paper per individual may be submitted. Contributions sent after the deadline, will not be considered.
Submissions should include a title, a preferred subject of relevance among the workshop topics, and a long abstract (up to 1000 words).A suggested structure for the abstract is: study objectives, methods, results, implications, limitations of the study, and recommendations. References could be added and would not count to the word limit. Submissions will be reviewed and selected by the scientific committee taking into account the following criteria: relevance and interest of the problem to the workshop themes, innovation, improvement over the state of the art, and significance of findings. Six submissions will be selected to be presented as oral contributions during the two days of the workshop.
The workshop particularly welcomes submissions from underrepresented groups in philosophy, economics, and climate science. We thank you in advance for considering contributing to this event and look forward to welcoming you in Milan. Should you have any questions, please contact us via email at [email protected].
Organizing and Scientific Committee: Hernán Bobadilla (DMAT, Politecnico di Milano), Rawad El Skaf (DMAT, Politecnico di Milano), Sara Giarola (DIG, Politecnico di Milano), Francesco Nappo (DMAT, Politecnico di Milano), Massimo Tavoni (DIG, Politecnico di Milano), Henrik Thorén (Lund University).