Last chance to submit your abstract for the XIX Biennial IASC Conference, happening June 19-24 in Nairobi, Kenya!
And, we warmly invite you to submit abstracts for our interdisciplinary panel, entitled ‘Energy in Common? Challenges and Reactions to Energy Infrastructure Projects’.
The push to transition to renewable sources of energy has been met by calls to invest in energy production projects and distribution infrastructures. Some scholars have referred to the sites where these projects and infrastructures are located, or planned to be located, as ‘sacrifice zones’ because of the disproportionate impact they have on nearby ecologies and communities. In other cases, citizen-led renewable energy alternatives have shown how projects and infrastructures can bolster local wellbeing, empower communities, and account for local ecologies. This panel asks: how do renewable energy projects and infrastructures cultivate and undermine local and regional social solidarities? What visions, hopes, and anxieties do they evoke among people in nearby communities? And, how do these projects and infrastructures reproduce or disrupt inequalities along the axis’s of gender, race, class, and region?
Deadline: 19 December 2022. You can submit your paper abstracts via the conference website.
While the conference will be held in-person, those unable to physically attend will (according to the conference organizers) be able to present virtually.
Do not hesitate to reach out to us with questions ([email protected], [email protected]).