Central and East European nations, heavily dependent on coal, have been very cautious about transition to carbon neutrality. Coal is becoming phased-out, but renewables still need more infrastructure for integration and support. Energy transitions therefore translate into complex political and economic disruptions which often overshadow parallel social changes.

This event aims to identify and address social aspects of the transition to the carbon-free world. Bringing in participants from different areas of expertise the event will be an opportunity for knowledge sharing that can inform efforts to agree coordinated energy transition, at the same recognising its impact on modes of life and human relationships.

When: 1600 – 1730 hrs GMT, March 15th 2021.
Register here: Eventbrite – Debate Panel: Energy Transitions in Central and Eastern Europe

The Speakers:

  1. Lubomila Jordanova,  CEO & founder of Plan A, a Berlin-based start-up that helps businesses calculate, monitor, reduce and report on their carbon footprint
  2. Katarzyna Iwinska, a sociologist from Collegium Civitas in Warsaw whose research focuses on gender and environmental issues in post-coal cities in South Poland
  3. Jakub Wiech from Energetyka24, a Polish journalist who writes about energy, bioenergy, climate, fossil fuels and nuclear phase-out, renewables

The event will be moderated by Maria del Peso, Vice-chair of Your Public Value NGO that fosters multi-stakeholder dialogues to address societal and environmental challenges.


  • Introduction
  • Two short presentations (approximately 10 mins )
  • Two breakout rooms led by the presenters (approximately 20 min )
  • Two presentations
  • Breakout rooms
  • Conclusion

About the organiser:
Magdalena Dąbkowska is an upcoming PhD student at the University of St Andrews. Her research focuses on coal, decarbonisation and sustainability in Poland.

The event will take place on Zoom as part of the Energy and Ethics project at University of St Andrews (https://energyethics.st-andrews.ac.uk/). It is free to attend, but registration is required.