Over the weekend Dr Mette High was invited to participate in a policy roundtable discussion at the Liberal Democrats Party Conference. The roundtable’s main concern was how to support and incentivise Scotland’s households to make homes more energy efficient.
Improving Scotland’s homes is a massive undertaking; it will require concerted action from policy makers sooner rather than later, especially if the country is going to meet government targets. So, at a time of high inflation and a cost of living crisis, how do you make energy efficiency measures appealing to homeowners?

Dr High pointed out, “[the government needs] to make sure it is a smart economic decision, not just in the long term but also in the short term. If you do that, you will then be able to mobilise Scotland’s 2.6M homeowners, making net zero their personal cause too – and accelerate a wider ‘green economy’ with skills training and job opportunities.”
Mette herself floated a rough ‘policy idea’ of tax relief that would compensate people for investing in energy efficiency measures and would phase out with rising income. Such a policy would not only provide a short-term boost for increased energy efficiency, but would also ensure that lower income-earners would get maximum benefit. Other ideas were brought to the table, including offering the type of broad policy portfolio that could provide clear direction of travel, enabling and encouraging people to take an active role without placing an undue burden on those who can least afford it.
What are your thoughts? Mette would like to hear from you! Head over to her LinkedIn post on the Party Conference and let us know what you think in the comments.