Games Night: sustainability, agency & risk
Join us for an in-person games night, as we continue to explore creative ways of framing climate action and sustainability, embodying some of the concepts addressed by the online event Our Ludic Augury (31 Jan). Attendance at both events is encouraged, not required.
We offer games as containers and tools for examining risk, outcome, investment of time and energy, ‘winners and losers’, individual agency and collective action. From the outset, we problematise words such as ‘game’ and ‘play’, acknowledging the privilege of this language. Rather, we present ‘game’ as ‘structure’; and ‘play’ as ‘restructure’ – encouraging active participation in favour of co/creating new narratives.
We will play a curated range of games: including the role-playing durational game Dread; divinatory card games and tarot; and a stone-casting dexterity game. Games are played in-person for an embodied experience of these concepts, supported by some discussion.
The second of two connected events presented by Dr Pauline Souleau (School of Modern Languages) and Rebecca Sharp (poet, Artist in Residence with the Centre for Energy Ethics), supported by the Centre for Energy Ethics, University of St Andrews.
Free, space limited: please book by emailing [email protected] (Dr Pauline Souleau)