Energy Cafe: We Drift Like Worried Fire

Photography Explorations in The North Sea – Offshore, Onboard & On Land

Hosted by Iain Campbell

Photographer, lecturer and CEE affiliated researcher, Peter Iain Campbell, has been photographically documenting the changing nature of the oil & gas industry across the Scottish sector of the North Sea since 2014.

Supported by a long-held interest in the relationship between art and heavy industry, Iain recognised that the only way he would be able to commence mapping the industrial land/seascape of the North Sea, was to work in the offshore sector of the industry itself.

An environment imagined more than realised and existing predominantly over the horizon, Iain’s chronologically formatted presentation will feature a wide range of photographs produced during the two years that he worked onboard a Drilling Rig in the central North Sea. This will extend to include his ongoing work covering decommissioning and onshore dismantling and his trips offshore onboard the Platform Supply Vessels {PSVs} that service the oil and gas installations.


Sep 19 2023


12:00 pm - 1:00 pm