Wider Network

PhD Fellowship ON Consumer Plastic Use in India

PhD Fellowship ON Consumer Plastic Use in India

The Graduate School of Arts, Aarhus University, in collaboration with the Carlsberg Foundation, has an opportunity for a fully funded PhD position for ethnographic research on consumer plastic use and disposal in India. The PhD fellowship will be available as of...

fully-funded PhD opportunity at Queen’s University Belfast

fully-funded PhD opportunity at Queen’s University Belfast

The School of History, Anthropology, Philosophy and Politics at Queen’s University Belfast invites applications for a fully-funded PhD Studentship on Energy Citizens Before Energy Citizenship: Energy, Culture and Place-Based Identities in the UK and Ireland, 1950s–1990s.

Postdoctoral Associate at University of Buffalo

Postdoctoral Associate at University of Buffalo

The Department of Environment and Sustainability invites applications from highly motivated social science PhDs with an interest in the social dimensions of emerging approaches to confront climate change.

The successful applicant will join PI Dr. Holly Buck and the research team to conduct research on how communities in different regions of the US appraise carbon removal’s potential benefits, risks, and feasibility. We’re also exploring how publics want to engage with the research and development of carbon removal and other technologies to reduce climate risk.

Mitacs Globalink Research Internship Opportunity

Mitacs Globalink Research Internship Opportunity

The Mitacs Globalink Research Internship program is a competitive initiative for international undergraduates from the following countries and regions: Australia, Brazil, China, Colombia, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Mexico, Taiwan, Tunisia, Ukraine, United Kingdom and the United States. From May to October of each year, top-ranked applicants participate in a 12-week research internship under the supervision of Canadian university faculty members in a variety of academic disciplines, from science, engineering, and mathematics to the humanities and social sciences.