CEE Senior Policy Fellow Dr Cornelia Helmcke has delivered a policy brief on the ‘Energy Trilemma’ seen in the Scottish Islands. Dr Helmcke’s report brings to the fore key energy concerns specific to the Scottish Islands, with broader implications for grid-remote places. Despite the rapidly-growing pool of renewable generation in this region, the Scottish Islands face a considerable number of energy challenges, including but not limited to high fuel bills, grid capacity constraints, and import dependency. These structural disadvantages shed light on the limitation of the national grid (both the physical structure, the market and its regulation) in addressing the energy trilemma and in opening pathways for a ‘just transition’.
Read the Brief and Report Here
“With the report and brief, I hope to do justice to the people and communities who have shared their energy struggles, island stories, hopes and aspirations with me.” Dr Helmcke said, “Their engagement during and after the townhall events has been truly enriching and inspiring. The documents provide a glimpse into island energy realities in Scotland and ought to inform future energy policies in the UK.”

Cornelia’s research in the Scottish Islands was supported by the Scottish Research Alliance for Energy, Homes and Livelihoods. You can read more about her experience in her recent Energy Blog post and read the policy report and brief at the link above.