Energy Cafe: Decarbonising Energy Systems – From Materials Chemistry to Deployment
Dr Robert Price. Research Fellow, St Andrews University School of Chemistry
Decarbonisation of domestic and industrial energy systems is imperative to minimise our dependence on fossil fuel usage and, consequently, reduce the impacts of climate change associated with use of these resources. Deployment and integration of electrochemical energy conversion systems, including fuel cells and electrolysers, will play a crucial role in achieving net zero goals over the coming decades by allowing more efficient use of the aforementioned resources, in the short-term, and production of sustainable fuels for domestic, industrial and transport sectors, in the longer-term.
This talk will demonstrate the exceptionally important roles of materials chemistry and academic-industrial collaboration in the development of electrochemical energy conversion devices, the challenges associated with this upscaling process and the barriers to deployment. Specific focus will be given to decarbonisation of the domestic energy sector and the Scotch Whisky industry.
The Energy Café is an informal, open and inclusive space where people across University of St Andrews, from undergraduates to Professors Emeriti, can come together for an hour to share ideas about the energy research they are working on. It is intended to encourage collaborations, expand research horizons, and inspire new ideas and questions about issues of energy. This is a hybrid event and will be hosted online as well as in-person.
Hosted by the Centre for Energy Ethics, the Energy Café is not limited to one discipline, one department or one school – it is open to everyone.
The event will be followed by a coffee and tea reception for in-person attendees.